EVAN's Corner

January 2022

Live Well
Below your means

Hi Everyone,

The saffron saga continues.  Over the past three weeks I have harvested saffron from the beautiful saffron crocuses that sprung up from where I planted them.  The long red stamen coming out of the flower is the saffron.  I only planted 50 bulbs so I’ll have enough saffron for about three pots of rice.  But still it was a fascinating experiment and there will be even more saffron next year as the bulbs divide and produce more flowers.

The saffron saga is so much like the financial saga we all live.  If you’re living below your means and putting away a little savings every month then just like this year’s saffron crocuses you’ll have more savings next year.  And just like the saffron saga your financial saga has to have a beginning.  You have to plant the idea of saving every month.  Are you saving every month?  Are you using the tax advantaged retirement program of your employer to it’s fullest?  If not, why not?  Isn’t it time to get with the program?  Call or email us us if you need assistance in clearing out the financial mess you might be in.  We can help you sort it out just like I cleared a piece of the backyard to have a place for the crocus bulbs.  And what better time to start a savings program then in the new year.

I’m looking forward to some paella made with my homegrown saffron.  Hopefully you’ll be looking forward to growing some savings in the new year.

Till Next Time,
Evan Clark, President and CEO
p: 202.808.3633

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